A Short Hike in the Bieszczady National Park, Poland

Located in the south eastern corner of Poland, the Bieszczady National Park borders onto Ukraine and Slovakia. I imagine getting here via public transport might be difficult but with a car, there is parking available in the National Park to be able to access the hiking trails. My friend and I came by car with …

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First taste of Poland: Exploring Wroclaw

Lingo in Transit

I wasn’t sure what to expect in my first town in Poland. We took the bus from Berlin and arrived by evening (5hr bus ride). You know when you’ve seen so many images of a place you know what is awaiting. This was not like that. First off, the name of the city is not pronounced at all like it’s written (vrots-wahf). Second of all, how are the universities in Europe so ornate and beautiful!?

Beautiful market square

We just stayed in walking distance to the Market Square and the main train station and it was easy to keep walking around. We couldn’t wait to sample the local cuisine and eagerly tried the delicious polish donut- pączki, zurek soup served in a big bread roll, stuffed cabbage and more pierogis during our few days in Wrocław. It was soon decided that we love polish cuisine and couldn’t wait to continue…

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